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Graduate of Minooka Community High School [2005]

Graduate of Illinois State University [2009]

Spent three years at Westmont High School (2009-2012)

Sophomore Boys Basketball Coach at Westmont (2009-2012)

Track and Field Sprints/Jumps Coach at Westmont (2012)

8th Grade Social Studies Teacher at MJHS (2012-Present) 

8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach (2013-Present)

Intramural Basketball sponsor (2013-2015)

Track and Field Coach--Boys Mid Distance and Long Jump (2015-Present)

CPI Team Member (2015-Present)

Junior High is a time for growth and exploration, and Minooka provides an excellent opportunity for both. You have two years to spend at MJHS, make them count! We offer so much in terms of clubs, activities, and athletics. Find a way to get yourself involved! When you invest yourself in your school, you enjoy the time spent in that building so much more.


You are in 8th grade this year--that means we hold you to a higher standard. You are smarter. You are more mature. You can handle more responsibility. Prove it to us! Mentor the 7th graders by being positive role models and young leaders in our building. This truly is your school; cherish it and carry yourself in a manner worthy of respect.


Realize that you are responsible for your own education. You will get out of it what you put in. Take an interest in your future by working hard and preparing today. Strive to be better today than the day before. Value your time here and never let any challenge be something you feel is too difficult to overcome.

1. Treat yourself and others with respect. Don't put your classmates down, and don't put yourself down. We all make mistakes, the real concern is--do we learn from them?


2. Be prepared. For everything you do in life, you should prepare as well as you possibly can. That means come with the supplies you know you will need every day. Ready your mind to learn.


3. Keep yourself organized. Procrastination is your biggest enemy and your assignment notebook is your best friend. Be aware of both.


4. Challenge yourself. You are responsible for your education. Make it count. Set goals; be more engaged; raise your hand more often.


5. Bring an open mind. You won't always agree with everything that is said or discussed. Be willing to hear another opinion; be critical of what you read; challenge what you don't believe.


When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment. I told them they didn't understand life.


-John Lennon

  I.        Social.Studies.

Things Worth Remembering 

Classroom Expectations

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